Trader Selection Boot Camp Course Outline
Before Bootcamp

By Francis De Law
As part of our orientation class, you will be introduced to the President of Peak Capital Trading as well as the team leading the educational program during the Trader Selection Boot Camp. Account setup and verification will be conducted to ensure you are ready to go for day 1 of trading. No matter what your level of experience is with the systems utilized by Peak Capital Trading, please be assured that you will be provided sufficient training so that your trading skills and aptitudes will present in the best possible fashion during the boot camp process.

By John Hiltz
Trading Coach
This day will be spent exploring the functions and capabilities of DAS Pro and Chartlog. The Peak Capital Trading TradeBook will also be introduced in this session. If you are unfamiliar with DAS Pro and/or Chartlog, Peak Capital Trading will provide fundamental instruction on how to utilize these systems. We will finish up with a discussion regarding the documents you will be required to produce at the end of the Trader Selection Boot Camp in addition to what our expectations are in order for candidates to move on to the hiring phase.
Month 1 Focus
Basics of Trading with Peak Capital Trading
- Developing and Analyzing Your Trades Utilizing Your TradeBook
- Managing Trades and Risk through Advanced DAS Techniques
- The Psychology of Level 2
- Mastering the Concepts of Risk Management and Trading Rules

By Mike Bauer
Director of Education
This workshop will discuss how you can take a trading strategy and develop a TradeBook, so you can effectively analyze your trades to maximize their profitability. Special attention will be placed on how to put your trading plan to work for you instead of you working for your trading plan.

By John Hiltz
Trading Coach
A solid understanding of advanced DAS techniques can assist in improving your trading profitability by limiting mental errors in calculations along with providing you the ability to focus on the price action instead of the math. John will explain the unique functions within DAS that can assist in improving your trading statistics.

By Thor Young
Trading Coach
Bear Bull Traders
This workshop will provide an in-depth review of Level 2 from the perspective of the stock trader. As likely the only non-lagging indicator on your chart, Level 2 can be the last piece of the puzzle as you decide when to take a trade and when to get out. For the proficient chart reader, you may wonder why price fall even when the chart is strong. Level 2 can be your mind’s eye into the market to help you predict future price action.

By Mike Bauer
Director of Education
You can have many successful strategies but you may still experience inconsistent results if you have not mastered the concept of risk management. Mike will explain different methodologies for applying the appropriate risk to a trade in order to maximize your ability to profit. In addition, Mike will explain the concept of active and passive trading rules and how to ensure you are utilizing the right type of rules to manage risk.
Month 2 Focus
Strategy Improvement/Refinement
- Refining Your Edge to Maximize Profitability
- Peak Capital Trading’s Mountain Pass Strategy
- Improving Your Trading through Statistical Analysis Techniques
- Reestablishing a Positive Mindset After a Losing Streak

By John Hiltz
Trading Coach
If you have ever wondered why one trader can be effective trading one strategy while another trader struggles with the same strategy, then this is the workshop for you. John will discuss different approaches to taking your most successful strategies and discovering how to make minor adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

By Peter Donnoley
Trading Coach
The Mountain Pass Strategy has been one of Peter’s most successful strategies for trading double tops and double bottoms. During this workshop, Peter will expound in considerable detail on how to trade this strategy. It is a strategy that offers you a high potential for reward versus the risk that is being taken.

By John Hiltz
Director of Trader Improvement
Are you struggling to maximize profitability in your trading strategy? John will explain his methodology and teach you how to apply statistical analysis in order to improve your results. Trading is a numbers game and statistical analysis can assist in identifying your outliers. You can then apply the appropriate measures to eliminate those bad trades and thus improve your overall performance numbers.

By Mike Bauer
Director of Education
Although losing is an inherent part of trading, a losing streak can be difficult to handle and may very well impact your mindset. Mike will discuss proven methods you can use to quickly identify your trading problem(s) and do a hard reset to get back on track. Mike will also explain approaches you can take to regain your emotional capital and improve your mental resilience.
Month 3 Focus
The Mental Mindset of Live Trading
- Changing Your Mindset to Handle the Uncertainty of Trading
- Trading Psychology
- Finding Your Mental Edge
- Leadership and Mentorship Development

By Carlos Moreta
Trading Coach
Bear Bull Traders
Being a successful trader requires you to have a different mindset than what makes people successful in other professions. Your mind despises uncertainty and is determined to control the outcome of any given event. Carlos will explain his methodology which you can use to reprogram your mind to think in probabilities, therefore enabling you to handle the inevitable feeling of uncertainty that comes with every trade.

By Dr Johnathan Katz
Trading Psychologist
Peak Capital Trading’s in-house trading psychologist will discuss some of the common issues that you will experience as you transition to live trading. Topics will include fighting the fear of missing out, overcoming anxiety, and preventing overtrading. You will also be introduced to the unique relationship traders at Peak Capital Trading have with a trading psychologist.

By Créde Sheehy-Kelly
Performance Psychologist
Peak Capital Trading has partnered with Créde Performance to provide you with the training necessary to achieve the proper mindset in a competitive environment. This workshop will introduce you to the concept of trading as a performance sport and how your mindset is your competitive advantage. Drawing on cutting-edge performance psychology and the mental training techniques of professional athletes, Créde will explore the similarities between professional sport and trading and provide practical tips for you to gain the mental edge in your trading.

By Mike Bauer
Director of Education
As the Trader Selection Boot Camp comes to an end, Mike will introduce the philosophy behind Peak Capital Trading’s leadership and mentorship development program. This seminar will give insight into the developmental process you will experience should you be hired by Peak Capital Trading.